Rot/orangefarbener Meditationsschal (Yak-Wolle/Baumwolle, L. 220 x B. 120cm) - Kunst aus Nepal - Bewertungen

Es gibt 3 Bewertungen.

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4.7 / 5
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2 advices
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Sie helfen anderen bei ihren Einkäufen, indem Sie Ihre Erfahrungen teilen. Die Besucher bekommen einen besseren Eindruck von den angebotenen Produkten und wir können unser Angebot verfeinern, indem wir das präsentieren, was am besten zu Ihnen passt. Dank dir verbessert sich der Dharma Store von Tag zu Tag und wir danken dir dafür!

Dominique B.
This customer bought 66 product(s)
Ravie comme d'habitude
Je re commande et commande régulièrement vos châles de méditation. nous en sommes tous.tes ravies. Merci aux tisserands
Gabi V.
This customer bought 7 product(s)
wonderful quality
Meanwhile I bought 5 of these meditation scarfs as I am really impressed by the quality. They are so soft and keep you warm. i often use this when relaxing after yoga or to cuddle up in it at home. I also have one of these scarves in my van and use it whenever I'm cold. Meanwhile i like this more than wearing a jacket. I have been looking a long time to find something like this but I couldn't find something comparable in price and quality. The last 3 scarfs I bought will be presents for chrismas and birthday and I am sure that my family and friends will be happy about them. Delivery is by the way super fast. Thanks for this and high recommondation at this point for this shop and their service!
Dominique M.
This customer bought 12 product(s)
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