Why a Dharma library?

The-dharma-store.com is not in any way established as a teacher of Buddhism, but we have noticed as lessons learned that there is an attitude and correct practices to adopt vis-à-vis relationships we have with Dharma people and objects. We would like to make sure that the Dharmathèque brings you some useful information in this direction.

For example:

  • The representation of the objects you use in your daily practices or that you encounter in your Dharma centers, their symbolism, the identification of true / false objects, etc.
  • Advice on using these objects from true Dharma teachers. It will also be an opportunity for us to highlight the centers, their traditions and their teachers.
  • We will also advise you on the maintenance and conservation of your objects of practice.

All this information will be grouped in a didactic way and available for free consultation.

Please follow this link.